Community Initiative
We partner with schools, recreational centers and sporting teams to create and manage pro-bono programs for children and adults. For many, refuge is often found outside the home and our goal is to be able to provide safe places that help foster growth, skill building and a sense of community. Not only do we act as a resource for children who may be dealing with challenges at home, we also offer individual mentorship, personal and professional skill development, and specialized programs that are tailored to the individuals we work with.
We offer everything from homework assistance to group forums where parents and children can openly discuss societal issues. Our 360 programs do not start and end with the school year. We are constantly developing programs and engaging with not only the students in our programs but also their parents. We are firm believers that schools, parents and the community play an integral part in the success and growth of a child. This is important because these children develop into adults who play an integral part in the growth of a community. We are all connected.
Whatever your community needs are, Dynamic Healthcare is willing and able to provide a solution. Our focus is creating programs that allow both child and parent to develop and strengthen skills as well as helping change how they view their environment.
In order to become and stay a pillar in the community, you must first understand the community you are looking to serve. And our goal has always been to not only understand the community but also be a consistent resource for those that are a part of the community. Community development is about implementing strategies and programs that actually fill the needs of the community.
We are able to do this by:
Sometimes people just need an extra push. Sometimes they just need to know that someone believes in them. Reminding people they are supported allows them the confidence to become proactive in their own lives and in the lives of others.
Through our community events and programming we are actually interacting with the people we serve. We are able to build relationships that help us become trusted partners and people they look forward to seeing.
Information is always changing within the mental health and public health space. Keeping track of best practices and sharing them with the community allows us to provide people with the tools needed to thrive.
Our mentorship programs place men and women with coordinators and counselors that help them grow, build valuable skills, set goals and assist them maneuver through whatever challenges they may face. It is our belief that sometimes children and adults just need extra support and guidance along the way. We focus on the individual and their unique circumstances, we do not have a one size fits all mentality when it comes to assigning mentors and mentees.
Build individuals leadership skills to include personal accountability, communication skills, teamwork, and empathy
Create and manage self-building strategies with the overall goal of getting individuals to understand their self-worth while striving to be their individual best
Peer to Peer Mediation/ Communication (Restorative Practices)
Restorative practices is a social science that studies how to improve and repair relationships between people and
communities. The purpose is to build healthy communities, increase social capital, decrease crime and antisocial
behavior, repair harm and restore relationships.
We are committed to providing programs and groups that help the youth in the community. Along with being a resource within the community by giving children access to food banks, clothing drives and after school activities we also provide a space for young men and women to feel safe and heard.
Some of our youth based programing includes:​
Dynamic Divas
Young women need a space where they are able to build up a community with other young women that they can relate to — Dynamic Divas aims to be that space. Dynamic Divas is for young women facing environmental, psychological and social challenges. This program encourages women to develop and reach their set goals (long and short term) while also gaining confidence, courage to take on challenges and enhance their self-awareness.
DHC Sports group
Our sports programs focus on expanding the minds of children when it comes to the opportunities within the sports industry. While learning the business of sports on and off the field along with the importance of financial literacy, they are able to learn skills that can be utilized in various careers.
Band Program
We partner with band organizations throughout the Maryland area. Through these partnerships, individuals are able to learn team building, have access to instruments and music programs which can be beneficial to the PRP process.
We pride ourselves in being a resource for everyone in the community— from children to adults. We understand that life gets difficult and adults also need extra guidance when facing unique challenges or mental health disorders. We provide various programs and events that assist adults with these hurdles.
We aim to teach and empower through:
Homelessness Prevention/Outreach
For those dealing with homelessness, we offer access to resources that can help with the transition. From partnering with shelters to skill building, we do our best to provide assistance that’ll help people during these tough times.
Job Placement
This group works with adults to develop the skills needed to gain employment such as resume writing, proper dress attire, interview techniques and more. Individuals will also learn about interpersonal skills such as active listening, teamwork, responsibility, dependability, leadership and patience.
Anger Managment
Anger can delay the process of growth so we aim to help individuals manage their anger— especially in times of crisis. The purpose of the treatment is to help those dealing with anger recognize the self-defeating negative thoughts that lie behind anger flare-ups.
Money Management/ Financial Literacy
Learning how to budget and manage money is a vital part of becoming a contributing member of society. We help adults understand how the dollar works, saving techniques, as well as setting short and long term financial goals. Through these learned skills, they are able to actively practice effective communication, organization and decision making. All useful skills in the rehabilitative process.